
Exploring the nine different enneagram types through animals.

ONE | Bee

You don’t have to be so busy, bee.

Ones usually try to do it all themselves because they have control issues… don’t we all? So I painted a bee colony of 9 (nod to the other numbers) to remind them that the weight of the world isn’t only on them. Things might not get done perfectly, but they will get done, and maybe we’ll even have a little fun together along the way!


TWO | Dog

Your presence is enough.

You know the thing about dogs that is so special? Their presence. They don’t do anything practical for us on a daily basis such as washing dishes, paying bills, or making beds (but wouldn’t that be a sight!). Yet we still value them like they are doing all those things for us and more.

Twos exhaust themselves by helping too much when in reality we desire them to simply be with us.

A few years ago when we lost our family dog, I was saddened by the empty corners of our home that I didn’t feel her presence in anymore. I didn’t need her there to serve me. I just wanted to know she was somewhere nearby, sleeping in a corner.

There’s a certain space that you twos fill that can’t be replaced by what you do, but only in who you are.


THREE | Peacock

I can see you better without all the feathers.

Peacocks are known for showing off their feathers to impress, much like the tendency of threes. I painted a peacock with its feathers down to communicate that I can see them better without all the feathers getting in the way.

It’s impressive and freeing in itself to know you’re average or mediocre at a thing and kinda okay with it. There’s a peace and rest that comes when we stop ruffling our feathers of competition and instead be average people together.


FOUR | Cat

You are unique.

My favorite and most passionate conversations have been with enneagram 4’s about their enneanimal. I found them to be nearly impossible to please! (you already know I’m a 9)

While some laughed and accepted being a cat, others refused the stereotype altogether and began listing off all the majestic animals they could be instead. Are we surprised by that though?

For that reason, the four is the only number that I painted two different animals for: a house cat and a wild cat. The house cat has on big listening ears to remind the four to listen to others when tempted to be overly self absorbed. The cheetah is covered in colorful spots to say how deeply unique you are.

I hope I made the cat box big enough for you, fours.


FIVE | Owl

Owl hear you.

To be honest, I know the least about fives, but I know they love to know!

I painted the owl to look curious, like it was learning something that it didn’t already know. Life is full of mystery and that can be super exciting depending on how you look at it. It can also be terrifying.

So for the fives, remember to accept the mysteries of life and watch the world unfold in a way you could’ve never predicted yourself. Maybe you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what you learn.


SIX | Deer

Don’t mess with mama deer.

I love deer, if it’s not obvious enough by me painting four different deer for the sixes. I wasn’t sure why I was painting so many deer at first, but then I realized it’s because sixes have an army of friends due to their incredible loyalty.

These aren’t your typical “deer in the headlights.” These are mama deer. The last thing you want to do is mess with a mama deer and her babies. It’s the same way with sixes. I painted these deer to look fierce and strong, the way they’d look at someone who was threatening a friend of theirs.

I have so much respect for sixes. I’ve had firsthand experience with sixes who constantly stick up for someone who isn’t present to defend themselves. Thank you sixes for having our backs even when we don’t have our own.


SEVEN | Monkey

Monkey just chillin’.

Sevens have a contagious energy about them that I LOVE. Their energy literally gives me energy when I’m around them (which is helpful for a sleepy nine). Nines and sevens both tend to avoid pain and discomfort, but their strategies differ. As a nine, I think one of the reasons I love being around them is because I can sit back and let them plan the activities and adventures, so neither of us have to deal with the pain.

Monkeys are known to be constantly moving and swinging from tree to tree. Again, I love the energy. But all this movement can make life a little blurry as it passes them by. I painted this monkey to be settled and still. He’s taking it all in, seeing the moments around him with clarity, without having to be a part of every activity.


EIGHT | Tiger

Sweet and Strong.

Eights are confident, confrontational, powerful, and naturally brave. I find myself being intimidated by them because they have so many qualities that I wish I had more of! We all could use more eights in our lives.

I painted this tiger with a fiery red nose to speak to their strength, but in contrast I added a bubblegum pink nose and background with peachy eye twinkles to remind them of their softness. The tiger face is up close and personal in order to break through the barriers of intimidation to choose gentleness instead.


NINE | Elephant

Leave your big footprint.

Nines want everyone to be happy all the time, even at the expense of their own needs. They don’t want anyone to be mad ever and definitely don’t want to be the reason for someones anger. That’s not entirely a bad thing, but over time that teaches nines to bury their own important thoughts and dreams.

I love the idea of an elephant being a nine because these creatures are huge, weighty. Nines try to make themselves small, like they weren’t even there… as if an elephant can make it anywhere without making some noise.

When I look at this painting, I see the indention of an elephant footprint in the ground. I can almost feel the weight and impact of that foot sinking deep into the mud and leaving behind a messy trail of existence.

Thank you for listening while I leave my mark on this little piece of ground I occupy!