
Have you ever walked into a store, a garden, a room, or stumbled into a scene that felt specifically curated for you?

I fell head over heels into the oranges at Whole Foods several years ago and I’ve been irreversibly smitten ever since. And what do you do with a love obsession? You gawk, you sing, you dance, you write, you listen, you take a million pictures. Or in my case, you paint.

Strolling into the grocery store full of anticipation time and time again I’ve observed the cascading fruit in containers with their stems and leaves tangled amongst the harsh shadows cast below the bright, balanced light. Depending on the day or hour, you never know what you will find. Thoughtfully or nonchalantly placed, the produce is an interactive art installation in itself of the shoppers who have come before me - I’m simply documenting it, honestly. 

At the easel, craving looseness and daring to be a little less literal, a little more undone, the chaotic compositions have come to life with a focus on value and the color orange, unsurprisingly.

Almost a year in the making, this collection is varied and fresh, a palette for anyone and everyone to get swept up in, to fall in love with.

A common theme throughout all of my art, this body of work is noticing beauty in the mundane, daily experiences of life: grocery store style. More often than not we don’t know how our work impacts someone else, but it does. Stacking oranges at Whole Foods or squeezing paint onto the palette, it is up to us whether we are to fall in love with what is right in front of us.

After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


The Orange Collection will be available on September 17th at 10:00am CT. This collection will be open for presales on October 14th at 10:00am CT for email subscribers.

Photos by Jenn Blackburn


UncategorizedShelby Monteverde